Yesterday was a bright and beautiful day -- very welcome after the cold cloudy spell for the last week or two. The season is remarkably backward this year. At this time last year, people were making gardens.
Mr. D. K. Abeel, of Saint Joseph, made us a call yesterday. He reports business very lively in that city this spring. Mr. Abeel has sold the the Tribune to an association known as the Tribune Company.
A colony, comprising eighty three persons, from Morgan county, Ohio, has settled in Andrew county, in this State. They are all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and will doubtless make good citizens.
We would call the special attention of shippers to the River Insurance offered by the Aetna Insurance Company of which Mr. L. P. Brown is the agent. This old and reliable Company offers unusual inducements for insurance on inland navigation. Policies issued on the most liberal terms.
We are glad to see the smiling face of Matt. Foster at the book store once more. Matt. has been to New York and laid in one of the biggest stocks of books, stationary, cutlery, &c., ever brought to this market. He means to be up to the times in everything -- can duplicate Saint Louis paper bills, &c., &c.
For Sale or Rent -- A good two story brick residence, with well, cistern, outhouses, stable room, &c., situated in G. M. McGee's Addition. It is known as the Thomas property. Apply to M. W. or G. H. McGee.
Adkins and Shearer sold a big bill of drugs to a Santa Fe merchant the other day. They always do a heavy business with New Mexican traders. They will soon have a stock in their line sufficient to supply the whole country from here to the Rocky Mountains.
DIED. -- Mr. Christian Kump, aged 64 years, yesterday at 10 o'clock at the residence of his son, F. H. Kump. Mr. Kump had been a resident of the city for about five years, and was much respected and beloved by all who knew him., The funeral will take place to-day from his son's residence in McGee's Addition. He will be buried in the Catholic burying ground. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend.