A dish-washing machine is the latest novelty patented.
Jacob Hartel has returned from Cincinnati with lots of new furniture, which may be seen at his rooms on Main street.
An auction sale will take place at the Auction Rooms of Payne & Toler this morning, at 10 o'clock. The stock is one of a great variety.
TOBACCO. -- The weed continues to come in. James Beech, of Clay county, brought in a fine lot yesterday, which was bought by Wellend & Bachman. These tobacconists are doing heavy business.
C. T. Warren, Esq., who has been the efficient General Superintendent of the Quartermaster's office of this station, under Lieut. Lloyd, goes to Paola, Kansas, in the same capacity, under Lieut. John Francis, who is Quartermaster on the staff of Gen. McKean. Mr. Warren is a very capable businessman, and Lieut. Francis is fortunate in securing the services of so able an assistant.
M. T. Graham, Esq., of Westport, arrived in town yesterday from a long visit to the Eastern States, where he has been doing what he could to induce emigration to this part of the State. He reports a favorable and wide-spread feeling toward Missouri as one of the most promising fields for settlement. Many persons are preparing to move to this section already, and thousands more will come as soon as peace and safety shall seem to be permanently re-established.
By order of Major General W. S. Rosecrans, commanding the Department of the Missouri, notice is hereby given requiring all white male citizens of Jackson county, between the ages of 18 and 45 years, to appear and enroll for military duty for the year 1864, on or before the first day of May next; and all persons so failing to come forward and enroll will be taken to have refused to perform military service for the year 1864, and will be assessed accordingly in compliance with existing law and orders. Notice is also given that D. Y. Chalfant, M.D., has been appointed Examining Surgeon, to whom all persons claiming exemption from such service, by reason of physical disability, will apply for examination. --DANIEL GEARY, Commissary of Exemptions of Jackson county, Office with the Provost Marshal at Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri.