The Soldiers' Aid Society will be organized on Thursday afternoon next, meeting at 2 o'clock, at the ho use of Capt. Toler, opposite the residence of Judge Smart. All ladies interested are cordially invited to be present and participate.
Remember the sale of contraband stock, &c., which takes place this morning at the Government Corral on O K Creek. Desirable bargains may doubtless be had at these auction sales.
The Ferry Boat between here and Wyandot was carried away with the ice -- the bridge is impassable on account of repairs being made, and we are thus without communication with our neighbors across the river. The mails are delayed and things in a vexatious state generally. Al this goes to show the necessity of a bridge across the Kansas, between here and Wyandot. It is a matter of public necessity.
The sale of lots by the city for taxes, will commence this morning at ten o'clock, at the Court House. "Fair warning" has been given and those whose lots are sold will have no reason to complain of the city for collecting the taxes due in the manner provided by law. Those wishing to invest will do well to attend the sale. The sale will continue from day to day until all unpaid lots are sold.
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 15th day of February, A. D. 1864, the Jackson County Court will hold a Special Term of said Court to hear appeals from the assessment of the Military Communication Tax for 1863. By order of the Jackson Co. Court, February Term, 1864. John G. Hayden, Sheriff.
To ensure publication, all advertisements,, special notices, and local notices must be handed in by four o'clock.